Crime rates have surged in the past few years—and businesses are paying the price. A break-in can be devastating for any business. You might lose assets you have to replace and can spend days repairing the damage, adding to the loss of revenue.
Business security might seem to you like an unnecessary cost. However, it pays for itself when you factor in all the disadvantages of a crime happening to your business.
But security isn’t easy to optimize. If you want to keep yourself safe, you’ll need to think about how you go about your security. This article will walk you through some of the top business security tips out there.
1. Hire a Guard
Hiring a guard is the most obvious way to upgrade your business’s security. Doing so increases the visibility of your company’s security. Criminals don’t pick a business at random—they case out multiple businesses and choose which ones they want to break into based on which they’re most likely to succeed at.
A guard doesn’t just provide the safety of protecting your property—it shows criminals that you take security seriously. Even if you don’t take other security measures, the criminals will assume you do because of the guard.
The guard, obviously, can stop crimes while they’re happening. They can confront would-be criminals and subdue people if need be.
If a crime does happen on their watch, they are also trained for dealing with the fall-out. They can call the police, and redirect customers, while your other employees focus on keeping the business running. After the excitement has died down they will help you make a plan to stop it from happening again.
You can also have them cover more mundane security tasks, like locking up and making sure your locks are doing well.
2. Install Cameras
Cameras are another great way to increase your company’s security profile. Even if you can’t afford to always keep a guard around, criminals will become very uncomfortable with the idea of being watched, and will likely not choose your business.
Cameras are a great way to get information of criminals, making it more likely for you to be able to catch them, apprehend them, and gain some compensation for their crimes.
A big advantage of cameras is that they can catch your employees committing crimes. They might be able to steal from the register behind the security guard’s back, but the eye in the sky sees all.
This will also keep your employees working as hard as possible, knowing that you could be checking in on their commitment.
3. Consider Mundane Security
Things like security guards and alarm systems are probably the first things that come to mind when you think of security—and hopefully, we’ve convinced you to consider them.
But often, some of the most important security tips you can take to keep your business safe are simple and mundane.
You definitely have locks on your doors—but are they up to date? Make sure your locks haven’t worn down—making them easy to break. Make sure you lock up every single night as well.
On the topic of locks—make sure you limit the number of keys to your business you have. Make sure that only essential and trustworthy employees have access to your keys.
If you’re just opening a new business, make sure you change the locks. The old occupant of your building might still have access to your building.
Take the money out of your cash register, and either take it with you or keep it in a safe with highly selective access when it comes to your employees. Leave the cash register open at night with no money in it to signal to criminals that they won’t find anything.
Something as simple as waste can also cost you seriously regarding security. Make sure you regularly shred important documents so that no one has access to sensitive information. Be careful what you throw out in trash cans that the public can access.
A security business can help you with these things as well.
4. Consider Cybersecurity
Did you know that cybercrime cost over a trillion dollars in 2022? Cybercriminals are getting smarter than ever, and cybersecurity can no longer be something added that you should care about—it has to be one of your main concerns.
A large part of cybersecurity is making sure you and your employees understand the threat. Low internet literacy is one of the biggest causes of cybersecurity break-ins. Common attacks—like phishing attacks—only work if you let the cybercriminal in.
A good cybersecurity company won’t just use technology like firewalls; they’ll hold seminars to teach your business about the newest threats in the cybersecurity world.
They’ll also be able to respond quickly to any breaches and break-ins that might happen to you, saving your IT team time and effort that they can devote to other parts of your business.
Understand Business Security
As you can see, there are many things you can do to improve business security. Security services extend beyond stopping crimes from happening and apprehending criminals.
Make sure that you consider the above options if you want to keep your business as safe as possible.
For more information on business security, contact us today.